the atlas robot
the atlas robot

2024年4月13日—Atlasmayresembleahumanformfactor,butweareequippingtherobottomoveinthemostefficientwaypossibletocompleteatask,rather ...,Atlasisanadvanced,fully-electrichumanoidrobot.Unlikepreviousgenerationsoftherobot,thisversiondoesn'trelyonhydrau...


Atlasisanadvanced,fully-electrichumanoidrobot.Unlikepreviousgenerationsoftherobot,thisversiondoesn'trelyonhydraulicactuatorsandis ...

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An Electric New Era for Atlas

2024年4月13日 — Atlas may resemble a human form factor, but we are equipping the robot to move in the most efficient way possible to complete a task, rather ...


Atlas is an advanced, fully-electric humanoid robot. Unlike previous generations of the robot, this version doesn't rely on hydraulic actuators and is ...

Atlas (robot)

Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot primarily developed by the American robotics company Boston Dynamics with funding and oversight from the U.S. Defense ...

Atlas Robot

Atlas is designed to operate both outdoors and inside buildings and has whole-body dynamic balancing. Atlas is able to sense obstacles and negotiate rough ...

Atlas® and beyond

The world's most dynamic humanoid robot, our fully electric Atlas robot is designed for real-world applications. The next generation of the Atlas program ...

HD Atlas

Atlas was the most agile humanoid in existence until it retired in 2024. This version, known as HD, or hydraulic, Atlas, used whole-body skills to move ...


2024年4月13日—Atlasmayresembleahumanformfactor,butweareequippingtherobottomoveinthemostefficientwaypossibletocompleteatask,rather ...,Atlasisanadvanced,fully-electrichumanoidrobot.Unlikepreviousgenerationsoftherobot,thisversiondoesn'trelyonhydraulicactuatorsandis ...,AtlasisabipedalhumanoidrobotprimarilydevelopedbytheAmericanroboticscompanyBostonDynamicswithfundingandoversightfromtheU.S.Defens...